Your wing woman on the sacred journey back to yourself

Intuitive Coaching, Energy Healing, & Spiritual Development to unlock your feminine power and align with your true soul essence.

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Hello love,


I’m Bri — and I am SO glad you’re here.

I see and honor the pain, struggle, and vulnerability that brought you here.

And I want you to know this:

I’ve been there. There IS a way forward. It’s hard ... but it is SO f-ing worth it. 

And YOU are worth it, love. I know it might not feel that way now - but I’ll hold those feelings until you’re ready to carry them yourself. And together we’ll transform all of them into love.


I’ve worked with countless women to shed the toxic shit that’s holding them back from the wild, free, and juicy lives they deserve. 

I do this work as …

  • An intuitive, empath, and energy worker

  • A mentor, coach, and spiritual teacher

  • A mom, wife, and sober warrior who’s walked the same path as my clients

For YEARS I found myself doing and saying things that weren’t aligned with who I truly am. I played the role of the good girl that the world wanted me to be.

And it GNAWED at my insides. 

The day the shit hit the fan wasn’t pretty, but it was the beginning of a powerful healing process that has delivered me to a place that is sacred and free.

This is MY life and I’m living it on MY terms. And I want the same for you.


Listen. You found your way here for a reason. 

You know there’s more to life than what you’re living.  It’s time to claim it. 

I’m ready to lock arms and guide you every step of the way.

I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. We’ve got some serious work to do. 

Women have collectively internalized A LOT of shit -- expectations that we’re supposed to do and be everything to everyone… except ourselves.


We’re going to gently confront your shadows. Unpack your limiting beliefs. Heal traumas. Purge the toxic energy from your soul. Unlearn the behaviors that got you here.

As you let go more and more, you’ll start to see glimmers of what’s underneath:

Raw, powerful, sacred feminine energy -- just WAITING to come out and guide you toward the life you’re meant to live. One that’s rich with pleasure, joy, and spirit.


Are you ready?

No matter where you are in your life, I have a service or program that will empower you on your journey to reclaim your true self.

Beloved, there’s a powerful woman inside you and she is ready to RISE. I can’t wait to meet her.

If you’re ready to set up an introductory session and get a glimpse of what’s waiting for you, grab a spot on my calendar here. And if you’re thinking about a more intensive experience -- 1:1 coaching or a retreat experience -- you can apply here and I’ll circle back to talk more!


The Rejuice Ritual


The Rejuice Ritual will guide you step-by-step in purging the toxicity and replacing it with boundless radiance. This is some serious inner work, but you’re a warrior. And you’re not alone, mama. I’m here if you need me.


Love from my clients…


Diversity Statement


I’m honored to support women, and those identifying as female, in finding their truth. I do so with openness, humility, and knowledge that that truth will look different for everyone. 

As a white, cisgender, straight woman, I acknowledge the privilege that has impacted my lived experiences. I’m committed to using my business as a means to create the change I want to see in the world -- one where everyone is allowed to be exactly who they are, without fear and inequality.

No matter your race, sex, gender identity, religion, disability, country of origin, education level, or socioeconomic status, I will hold space for you and help you reclaim the power that the world has forced you to hold back.


Let’s hang on the ‘Gram!

Join me on Instagram for a dose of realness @bri.mccorkell